Newsroom / Academics

Project Management Week

Students Build their Future in Business

Project Management Week

Across campuses, our students recently pivoted from their classes to a week of Project Management. In Geneva, Bachelor and Master students participated in a range of activities, including the WFUNA (World Federation of United Nations Associations) program. In Madrid, Master students took part in various workshops as well as hearing from guest speakers. And in Barcelona, Bachelor students had the opportunity to create a viable business model within just one week.

Build your Business in One Week

In the week-long program run by Dag Flachet and Antoine Delmas, our students in Barcelona had to turn a business idea into a real-world, working model. Over several sessions, Dag and Antoine covered everything from ideation, customer personas and customer journeys to break-even analysis, KPIs and growth modeling. Students not only had to actually launch a business, but also create a website, an initial marketing campaign and provide a detailed analysis of how it went. It was an intense, but fun week and as Antoine said:

Project Management Week was the best way to get students engaged and we are very happy with the results.

There was a fantastic range of businesses set up, from a student dating app called Uniflirt and a career service platform called Hire Me to nutrition care for students (Nutri Educare) and vitamin supplements to boost student wellbeing (Vitadope). That was just a few of the business ideas, all of which were presented in an x-factor style finale.

Presentation Pitching 

With Dag and Antoine providing professional feedback, each student group pitched their final project, as well as analyzing how the launch and campaign had fared. Why would customers want the service on offer? When was the projected break-even point? How would KPIS be met? These were some of the questions that students needed to answer. So, how well did the students do in their final presentations? Here’s what Dag had to say:

The whole week was a lively, exciting experience with great ideas bouncing around. It was fantastic to see students take their projects from abstract ideas to concrete MVPs (minimum viable products) with realistic growth plans.