Research Center

Our Research Hub
A platform for staff, faculty and research students to share ideas and collaborate. All conversations are moderated by our Research Fellows.
Our Publications
Here you will find all research produced by faculty, students and staff of Geneva Business School.

Research FAQs

All school-supported faculty projects are assessed using our research excellence framework both before and after the research has been carried out. This framework sets out the minimum requirements expected in five areas: viability of the project, clarity of objectives, the significance of the problem, the suitability of the selected research approach, and potential social impact. All research outputs are assessed on an annual basis.

More details can be found in the Research Excellence Framework article.

What are the school’s research goals?
  1. Encouraging Geneva Business School faculty and students to engage in research activities and promoting the unity of research and teaching.
  2. Inspiring Geneva Business School faculty and students to adopt ethical practices, participate in research collaboration and share research findings.
  3. Contributing to the academic and business body of knowledge.
What are the school’s core research values?
  1. Commitment to the creation of knowledge and the unity of research and teaching.
  2. Commitment to the public good, human and business development, and sustainable social change.
  3. A commitment to excellence and accountability to all stakeholders and the public in general.
  4. Respect for pluralism, diversity, and academic independence.
  5. Transparency, integrity and honesty.
What are the school’s research areas?
  • Responsible leadership and management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Financial innovation
  • Digital marketing and communication
  • Governance, Law and Global development
  • Educational development
How does the school support research?

Research is a fundamental part of every program and course we deliver. All bachelor and master students are expected to engage in research activities as a component of every project they complete at the school. This culminates with a mandatory research-intensive final project at the end of their programs.

Graduate research is a fundamental part of the school’s research efforts. Doctoral and master students are invited to participate in research events as well as forge research collaborations with teaching faculty. Many of our doctoral students are also invited to create and teach their own courses, establishing a unique channel for the direct dissemination of research into the classroom. We encourage anyone interested in management and business research to contact us to learn more about opportunities to work or study with us.

The school encourages all teaching faculty to propose research projects to be funded or otherwise supported by the school. Proposals are reviewed by the school’s Research Review Panel, which consists of a group of expert researchers from across our campuses. Our research team provides recommendations and advice to maximize the viability and impact of all projects.

How are research projects evaluated?

All school-supported faculty projects are assessed using our research excellence framework both before and after the research has been carried out. This framework sets out the minimum requirements expected in five areas: viability of the project, clarity of objectives, the significance of the problem, the suitability of the selected research approach, and potential social impact. All research outputs are assessed on an annual basis.

More details can be found in the Research Excellence Framework article.

Research News

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

Shaping the Future of Education and Business
5 Practical Ways to Implement Sustainable Practices in Business

5 Practical Ways to Implement Sustainable Practices in Business

Daria Gavrilova, Instructor of Research, Communication, and Media, reviews the current landscape of sustainability in the business world.
A New Model for Rugby Financing with Dr. Eduard Coetzee, CEO at The Sharks Rugby

A New Model for Rugby Financing with Dr. Eduard Coetzee, CEO at The Sharks Rugby

Dr. Eduard Coetzee, CEO at The Sharks and DBA candidate at Geneva Business School, provides insights into his research on investment models within rugby union, his forward-looking approach to managing a professional team, and his dedication to CSR.
DBA Thesis Check-ins – November 2022

DBA Thesis Check-ins – November 2022

Read two DBA candidates abstracts summarizing their research: Safa Basar's research on managing smart cities and Claudia Tridapalli's work on reducing knowing-doing gaps in sustainable design strategies
Shifting Mindsets: Leading students to take sustainability to the next level

Shifting Mindsets: Leading students to take sustainability to the next level

Claudia Tridapalli, sustainability engineer and DBA student, poses the question: How can higher education institutions lead students to take sustainability to the next level?
China: From Chief Polluter to Overall Sustainability Champion?

China: From Chief Polluter to Overall Sustainability Champion?

All major aspects of “overall sustainability” in China
DBA Thesis check ins – December 2021

DBA Thesis check ins – December 2021

Read two DBA candidates abstracts summarizing their research
DBA Thesis check ins – November 2021

DBA Thesis check ins – November 2021

A DBA candidate's annual review for our Research community
A New Research Partnership in Italy

A New Research Partnership in Italy

We have joined forces with the University of Bari on research into Luxury
Responsible Leadership Research Fellow launches Legal Research Lab

Responsible Leadership Research Fellow launches Legal Research Lab

Dr. Anna Ruiz is launching a Legal Research Lab.
DBA Thesis check ins – July 2021

DBA Thesis check ins – July 2021

Our current DBA candidates annual review of their research for our Research community
DBA Thesis check ins – May 2021

DBA Thesis check ins – May 2021

Our DBA candidates annual review of their research for our Research community
Rethinking Governance

Rethinking Governance

Read our latest Faculty guest post
Book Review: Dear Female Founder

Book Review: Dear Female Founder

66 Letters of Advice from Women Entrepreneurs Who Have Made $1 Billion in Revenue
DBA Thesis check ins – Spring 2021

DBA Thesis check ins – Spring 2021

Two DBA candidates review their research for the Geneva Business School Research community
Book Review: Educated

Book Review: Educated

Tara Westover's personal story is gritty and gruesome yet wildly inspirational.
Book Review: Technically Wrong

Book Review: Technically Wrong

Sexist Apps, Biased Algorithms, and Other Threats of Toxic Tech
DBA Thesis check ins – Winter 2020

DBA Thesis check ins – Winter 2020

Two DBA students present their research at the annual check-in
Research at Geneva Business School

Research at Geneva Business School

Geneva Business School uses research and teaching to find sustainable solutions to 21st-century business problems.
Women in Leadership round table review

Women in Leadership round table review

Watch the discussion with authors of the articles from Geneva Business School Magazine